SERV Alert EAPI icon


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TA Data Definition

volumeFolioThe ID of the title in the vol/fol format. The customers can subscribe the volumeFolio they want to receive alerts on.
customerRefCustomer reference information provided by the customer.
startDateTimeThis shows the Subscription start datetime for the particular volumeFolio. Customer will only receive alerts on the vol/fol
endDateTimeThis shows the Subscription end datetime for the particular volumneFolio.
eventIdThe identifier of an event. It is the notification ID for Title Alert API.
eventTypeEvent name defined. It is fixed to title_alert_notification for Title Alert API.
eventDateThe datetime when a notification is sent to the customer.
notificationIdA unique ID generated when a notification is sent to the customer. Customers can use the ID to audit the particular alert response.
subscriptionIdA unique subscription ID generated when a customer subscribes to a volFol. Customers can use the ID to audit the particular subscription.
activityTypeThe type of the activity sent in the notification. The Title Alert API currently supports 2 activity types: a. PRELODGE(Workspace Alert) b. POSTLODGE(Dealing Alert)
activityTimeThe timestamp when the activity has occurred in the system.
