volumeFolio | The ID of the title in the vol/fol format. The customers can subscribe the volumeFolio they want to receive alerts on. |
customerRef | Customer reference information provided by the customer. |
startDateTime | This shows the Subscription start datetime for the particular volumeFolio. Customer will only receive alerts on the vol/fol |
endDateTime | This shows the Subscription end datetime for the particular volumneFolio. |
eventId | The identifier of an event. It is the notification ID for Title Alert API. |
eventType | Event name defined. It is fixed to title_alert_notification for Title Alert API. |
eventDate | The datetime when a notification is sent to the customer. |
notificationId | A unique ID generated when a notification is sent to the customer. Customers can use the ID to audit the particular alert response. |
subscriptionId | A unique subscription ID generated when a customer subscribes to a volFol. Customers can use the ID to audit the particular subscription. |
activityType | The type of the activity sent in the notification. The Title Alert API currently supports 2 activity types: a. PRELODGE(Workspace Alert) b. POSTLODGE(Dealing Alert) |
activityTime | The timestamp when the activity has occurred in the system. |